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     Hi my name is Jordan and I am truly just your average nineteen year old girl. I normally am not a very serious person. My sense of humor is that of a teenage boy and I usually am the type to say extremely vulgar and unlady like things. However, this blog is a very different side of me. I have poured out my heart into all of the segments of this blog and this is the first time I am going to completely show my vulnerable side. I honestly am not even a very good writer, all this is going to be is me spilling a bunch of thoughts, feelings, life experiences and all of that good stuff without really caring about being perfect. This is just going to be the real me. Anyways, for whatever reason I am in a stage of life right now with so many decisions needed to be made, not knowing what the hell I am doing, and just ultimately confused with what is actually going on. Which I like to believe is fairly normal for a nineteen year old girl. (hopefully). I am a communications major and trying to get certified in the field of public relations at Boise State University right now. Why the hell do I want to do public relations? I am not sure it just seems to fit the role of a milfy business woman I guess. Like I said, I literally do not know what is going on. All jokes aside, I have told people in my life so often that I LOVE learning about relational communications and love. It spins my brain a million ways and I want to know more. I have always said I would love to be a relationship counselor or a psychologist or something of that nature. However, with my personality I do not think I could mentally handle having a job like that every single day I think I would feel so drained. So, that is why I am making this blog. This is my outlet to portray my passion for the relationships in my life, the word love itself and the power of love in hopes that it affects you in a positive way through potentially implementing a stronger appreciation for love, opening up your heart, healing, encouraging you to be vulnerable, making you a better partner or just entertaining you with my perspective. (Ultimately, I will be ok with any type of positive impact). Everything I say might not relate to you and you might think I am completely wrong which is totally fine. Everyone is different when it comes to their outlook on love and relationships which makes this all even cooler! So, stick to who you are. All I want to do here is give you a look into my heart. This is going to be mostly my thoughts and experiences but if it does not resonate with you, do not change how you feel or think because of me. Always trust your own gut and instinct. We all give, receive and feel love in different ways so I cannot express enough that this is just my view. However, I hope everyone can find at least one piece of this blog that they can relate to. Like I said, this is going to be the raw real me and all I can do is hope I am affecting at least one person in a positive way. 


   Ok so I will give you a synopsis as to why I am intrigued by love and heart in hopes that it helps you to realize that I am not just some freaky hippy chick. (they are pretty cool though). When you think of love do you think of it as an emotion or a feeling? In my research it does not seem like love fits into either of those categories or any specific category at all. Yes, there is the explanation of the chemicals in our brain reacting intensely when we "feel" love very strongly but this chemical reaction is not happening every second of everyday but we know that we love the people in our life indefinitely regardless of the time of the day or what the chemicals in your brain are doing. My philosophy is that I think love can be a feeling sometimes. For instance, passion is a feeling. It is proven that in long term relationships passion starts to subside because the surprise factor decreases. So, yes when you first fall in love with someone and you are in that "honeymoon" or "puppy love" phase I do feel as if this feeling of passion emphasizes love and inflicts a strong feeling. Although, like I said, passion is not always super high. When it reaches a peak I do believe that love can be a feeling but just because the passion fades does it mean that you don't love them anymore? No! Well what about your love for your family? Well, that type of love does not usually inflict as much passion as the state of being in love would but you know your love for your family is always there even if you don't go through life everyday "feeling" this love. So, yes I do think we can feel love more strongly when passion is high but I am not talking about that short increment of a feeling I am talking about the entirety of the true essence of love. We do not feel it every second of our lives but we know it is within us at all times. So, how could love be a feeling? I don't think it is a definite feeling, emotion, mood or any of that. I think this essence of love is far too complex for our human minds to be anything specific. It is deeper than our brains and our own understanding. It just seems as if this implication of love and heart are far more complex than we can obtain. Our hearts are at the core center of us in which allow us to feel and appreciate love. Love is a drive in which gives us purpose, hope, and shapes who we are. I ultimately just want to emphasize its power. With that, I hope you now can understand this undying curiosity and fascination that my nineteen year old self has with this complex idea of "love" as well as the beauty of having a heart. Truthfully, I obviously am very intrigued by this topic but for whatever reason it is just in my heart to make this blog. I am not exactly sure why, maybe I will get a clear answer when it is all said and done. For now, I am just going to listen to this tug on my heart and hope for the best. 


   I want to add that this blog is not just about me. I have created the "weekly"page of this blog to implement stories, insight, playlists, poems, Q&A's and etc. from myself, friends, family or strangers. You can share with me absolutely anything pertaining to the love in your life or your heart, ask me questions or anything you want! (send me a message below). If you send me something and would like to remain anonymous if I use it on my blog just let me know! (or if you want something to be kept between you and I that is totally ok). So, yes I will be posting weekly but maybe once a month or every two weeks I will add another segment to one of my main pages. (romantic, unconditional and self). I will definitely keep it active around here! Anyways, thank you for visiting my page and I hope you love it as much as I do! :)

                                                                         - Me


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