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Gianna!! What I really like about what she wrote is that it had absolutely nothing to do with the prompt I initially sent her. She sent me this at 1 AM the other night when she wasn't having the best of days. She took what she was feeling and just started to write, and yes it was different than what I initially thought it was going to be but, I really didn't care. I loved it because I knew that her day threw her for a loop and she used those emotions and wrote from the heart. She even said something nice about me even though she totally did not have to. :') It's a little different than what you might expect for my blog but, that is just another reason as to why I am excited to share it. It's unique! All I could ever ask of people who are brave enough to write for me is just to speak your truth and speak from the heart. That is exactly what Gianna did! I love her more than life itself and after reading this I am sure you will understand why. Thank you Giovanni!!

"Let me start by saying what an amazing human being Jordan Mosich truly is. She has been a true best friend of mine for a long time, and I can honestly say I have never met someone so concerned and involved in the lives of the people around her. Whenever someone in her life is upset, she takes the time to talk with them, and actually LISTEN-which is something a lot of people, including myself, forget how to do. Everything I tell her she takes to heart and considers deeply before she gives a response. As simple as this may seem, it proves what a caring, compassionate, understanding human she is and appoints her to the top of my list of who to run to when anything goes wrong- or right- in my life. This is just one of the amazing qualities that Jordan possesses, amongst being a beautiful, driven, smart, level-headed, funny, sweet, empathetic, brave soul. In her writing this blog, I have witnessed Jordan’s inspirational grasp reach out to many other people in such an emotional and moving way that I can’t help but feel incredibly proud of what she is doing. I could go on talking about her character for days, but I try not to be much of a kiss ass and that’s not what I’m here for. What I’m here for is to be a selfish bitch, and try to weave some of my own personal insight into this beautiful web Jordan has delicately spun, which I hope has effected whoever is reading this in as much of a positive way as it has for the people who are close to her.

As for myself, I am also an average teenage girl who’s just trying to figure it all out. I grew up with three brothers and an amazing mother, who I am convinced is an angel sent from heaven that somehow raised four amazing children all on her own, but I’ll talk more about that later. I know Jordan’s blog focus is mainly on love and what it means, but I’m here to put my own spin on things. The main point I want to get across is the power of hope. I know I’m not alone when I say we have all seen our fair share of disappointments and broken promises, it’s a part of life and certainly unavoidable. We all have an individual set of expectations, some low, some high, regardless they’re all in the back of our minds waiting to be placed upon something- whether that be in your career, friendships, relationships- the possibilities are endless. It’s strange if you think about it, that we give so much power to these ideas, expecting a positive outcome or whatever it is we desire. Yet it is this driving force that motivates all of us to do more, to achieve more, to improve ourselves. Most of us struggle with being optimistic all of the time, especially when it seems as if the whole world is against us. And maybe it is, maybe you’re failing that class, you’re in a fight with your best friend, your car breaks down, and your boyfriend dumps you. Yeah, right now I can tell you it’s shit, but it won’t be like this forever. I hate sounding cliché and unoriginal, but things always get better. As a child, I was brought up in a loving home with an amazing family and was given everything I could ever want. When I turned 11 I started to struggle with the challenges life was throwing at me. My parents were going through a divorce and we lost our house due to bankruptcy. It felt like everything was falling apart and there was nothing I could do but sit there and watch. My dad wasn’t really in the picture after that for a long time. We had to pick up what we had and move to a new town; leaving all my friends and everything I have known was really tough. Transitioning from a sheltered private school to a public middle school centered around violence, drugs and overall bad influences left me feeling out of place and hopeless. Nothing seemed to matter anymore, I couldn’t understand why all of this was happening to me, it all seemed so unfair. Throughout this the one person in my life I could always count on was my mom, no matter what she went through she persevered and did whatever she could to make us feel safe and loved. Coming from a world where she was a stay at home mom and never had to work, to being thrown the responsibility of raising a family of 4 kids all on her own was definitely not easy. My mom did everything in her power to make sure we never saw any sort of struggle and sacrificed everything in order to give us a better life. She worked her ass off as a server at a local country club and saved every penny in order to move us to Idaho. She is my rock and the largest source of hope in my life. When we moved to Idaho, things already started looking up. My mom found a really good job and figured out a way to support us, she worked full time and still managed to have our lunches packed and transportation for us. She did whatever she could to make sure we had normal teenage lives. All throughout high school, my mom was always there to help me with all the typical bullshit and drama everyone experiences. As a single mom, she had to play both mother and father roles and her unique parenting technique’s- although somewhat protective- brought up four of the most amazing humans you will ever meet. Mom, if you’re reading this I love you and I am eternally grateful for you. At times when I felt like giving up or losing hope, I always looked to you as a role model and source of happiness when things were looking down. Hope is what got me through this bump in the road, and what continues to place me in the right direction. When I look back at my life, I realize I wouldn’t have it any other way, and the lessons I have learned and adversities I have faced have ultimately brought me to the person I am today. One thing I always have to remind myself is everything is going to be okay. In life, most things are completely out of our control, so you are left with only a couple of options. You can roll with the punches and keep going, or you can let these disappointments, let downs, and overall negative situations consume you. It is completely up to you what you decide to do, you are in control of your reactions. I know some situations are different than others no part of me is trying to come off as insensitive, but there’s always going to be better days and you will be grateful for it in the end. In life, we lose a lot more than we gain, and it never seems fair or as if we are in control. There is, however, something we can always keep in our pockets, something that only grows stronger, something that ensures we will get through whatever is troubling us, and that is hope. Hope for a better, happier, cleaner, simple, future with more happiness you could ever imagine. So as silly as this sounds, I encourage you to get out there and snort a big, fat, line of hope. The result will be such an intense high I guarantee you will be seeing shit, like a light at the end of a dark tunnel or the beginning of something you never thought would be possible. If it doesn’t work immediately, relax. Breathe. Give it a minute. Pretty soon, you’ll start to feel your confidence boost and your worries melting away. Don’t worry, that’s just the optimism kicking in. Keep this up and pretty soon you’ll be addicted, addicted to the freedom and endless possibilities of improvement and ways to better yourself. You will deal with the highs and lows of life, but keep hope around and you will begin to realize how to appreciate the good and the bad."

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